HHMTV Grill the Best Steaks

❤️ 🍖 WHO’S HUNGRY 🍖❤️ Looking for the best way to grill a steak? Our Digital Marketing Manager Kyle thinks he has the best formula for tasty success! What is he missing? Comment below how you grill yours and let’s see! #SummerTime #Steak #Yummy#HHM

HHMTV Pet Care Tips

Don’t forget about your furry friends in the summer heat! Stephanie, from the Allen County SPCA, wants to remind you of some great summer tips for your animals. Do you have any additional tips/want to brag how cute your puppy is? Comment below! 🐶 ☀️ #AdoptAPet #PetSafety #HHM

HHMTV Gardening Tips

Summer time is here! So make sure and follow these tips to help your garden look the best over the next several months. Do you have any gardening tips? Comment below and/or share pictures of your garden! ☀️ 🌻 🌹 🌷#Gardening #HHMtips #SummerTime